Now this is where it really got strange, UK owned nations were the balls, the belly AND the brain, the USA comprised the outward face and Africa sits in the life giving place. Upon what is he standing, why doesn't the bull fall? South America and Australia are at the foot of it all. Where is the strength? as a matter of fact, it's the Russian kingdom that is the bulls back. Now I could be wrong, but as far as I can tell, the center of all sits in Israel, now look for yourself, did I fail?
Now this all seems so strange, just what can it mean, the bull symbolizes some powerful things. From the stock market to the Egyptian spine, the ankh and the aleph, the bull is sublime, Taurus is it's astrological sign. Whether Hebrew golden or Hindu blue, the bull is the Nandi that's shitting on you, from Siva to Ghandi jump run or move, the test of real strength, is he faster than you, will you get away or get torn into two, playing games with a bull is for fools.

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